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Vann er starten / Water is the beginning

Service to the community

I 2011 installerte vi vanntilførsel og vanntank hos familien vår i Voi. Tidligere måtte kvinnene opp kl. 4 hver morgen for å fylle vannkanner. Nå samles vannet automatisk. Dette gjorde det mulig å ta det neste steget.

Vi finansierte og bygget et hønsehus i 2011/2012. Investeringen inkludere 200 kyllinger, for og vaksiner for et halvt år. Ambisjonen var å etablere en bærekraftig virksomhet for familien. Dette har lykkes.

In 2011 we installed a water tank at the family home in Voi. Before, the women had to get up at 4 every morning to collect water into cans. Now, water is collected automatically. Water supply was then used to take the next step.

We financed and built a chicken house in 2011/2012. Our investment included chicken, feed and vaccination for half a year. The ambition was to establish a self-sustainable egg business for the family. This has proven successful.

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